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Why Does Your Tonsillitis Keep Coming Back?

Watch Out for Patient Zero

The worst thing about tonsillitis is how it can come back to haunt you. Just as you thought you're out of the woods, you suddenly feel a recognizable sting inside your throat. You're having difficulties in swallowing again. At first, you dismiss the thought and remain in denial. You've probably told yourself, I just got past this. There's no way I'm getting it again.

The worst thing about tonsillitis is how it can come back to haunt you. Just as you thought you're out of the woods, you suddenly feel a recognizable sting inside your throat. You're having difficulties in swallowing again. At first, you dismiss the thought and remain in denial. You've probably told yourself, I just got past this. There's no way I'm getting it again.

After reaffirming yourself, your tonsillitis won't come back, and you suddenly feel the chill. You become lethargic, and you're once again in the pangs of annoyingly familiar symptoms. You rush to the mirror, open your mouth, and alas pus-filled tonsils greet you good morning.

Where did you go wrong? Read on to retrace your steps.

You're already aware that tonsillitis is caused by bacteria and germs which are mostly not common as compared to your mouth's natural microflora. Once these foreign invaders become too comfortable, the tonsils, the first barriers of defense in your mouth, produce white blood cells to fight off infection. Since pathogens cause the illness, it's necessary to isolate yourself or your patients who can develop a potential contagion. Sharing personal items, toiletries especially toothbrushes, is a big no-no.

Aside from person-to-person contact, it's worth noting how tonsillitis-causing viruses and bacteria can be transmitted either through airborne droplets released during coughing or sneezing. These droplets can latch on to surfaces. Make sure your utensils and personal items are far away from people with a contagious type of tonsillitis.

Don't worry, patients with tonsillitis are considered non-contagious after 24 to 48 hours of their doctor-prescribed antibiotic regime.

Skip the Stick

Why Does Your Tonsillitis Keep Coming Back?

If you're a heavy smoker, expect recurrent tonsillitis and a whole bunch of trouble for your tonsils. Tobacco smoking has impactful effects on your health, especially for lymphoid tissues such as your tonsils. 

Nicotine, along with all the harmful chemicals present inside a cigarette stick aggravates all the three types of tonsils in your body namely, the adenoids (located behind the nose), lingual (located at the back of your tongue), and pharyngeal tonsils (situated at the sides of your throat). When you inhale and exhale tobacco smoke, all of these tissues take the beating. 

Ultimately, smoking attacks your immune system making you more vulnerable to infections. Yes, even chronic and persistent tonsillitis.

How's Your Oral Hygiene?

With good dental care and hygiene, tonsillitis-causing bacteria have less chance of causing problems. Go beyond merely brushing your teeth. Floss at least once a day and always rinse with dentist-prescribed mouthwash to kill stubborn bacteria.

Having stellar oral-care habits makes your mouth less hospitable to bacteria. Be sure to gently brush your teeth, tongue, cheeks, and gums using a soft-bristled brush. Also, try using antibacterial toothpaste get rid of cavities and plaque build-ups where microbes like to seek refuge in.


Not following your prescribed antibiotic regime has long-standing effects which pose a significant threat to your tonsils. If you've been diagnosed with bacteria-caused tonsillitis, staying faithful to your medication is an absolute must. When you fail to do so, bacteria in your body develop a resistance. When they come back to plague your tonsils, they'll surely pack more punch.


The truth is, your tonsils job of safeguarding you from infections is a lot harder than it looks. Other patients have it harder, though. Their tonsillitis sometimes develops to ear infections, scarlet and rheumatic fever. 

Needless to say, tonsillitis is already a handful. You don't have to experience the same pain and trouble again. Upon reading all the preceding precautions, which are you most guilty of ignoring?

Call us at (281) 367-3685 in Woodlands , (281) 356-3351 in Pinehurst or CLICK HERE to schedule an appointment.

Contact Info

Pinehurst Location
32030 Decker Prairie Rd
Pinehurst, TX
(281) 356-3351

The Woodlands Location
26219 Interstate 45 N
The Woodlands, TX
(281) 367-3685

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